
About Us
For years I've been asked about putting up a website in homage to the Vahey Family and the day has finally arrived!
My name is Jann Vahey and I am a direct decendent of Patrick Vahey by virtue of my father, Thomas Nelson Howard Vahey.
Dad's father was Thomas Albert Kennedy Vahey son of Thomas William Vahey son of Patrick Vahey and Mary Williamson.
Hopefully that gives you insight into my placement in the family.

I became involved in family research in 2000 partly from natural born interest and partly because the foundation had been
laid for me to follow. Alex and Herbie Vahey, also from the Thomas William Vahey line, had started family research
approximately 20 years ago. Alex graciously shared some of their findings with me when I discovered that family history existed.
Alex and Herbie had the great fortune of meeting many of our relatives and continue on their quest
to this day. As a result of this journey Alex and Herbie have the priviledge of having a number of pictures, documents
and letters that have been bestowed upon them by various family members. Alex's great joy was the ability to speak with
Elder Vahey's who shared rich stories and information with him.
Alex and Herbie host the annual Vahey Family Reunion, bringing together Vaheys and their decendents from
far and wide.
Jack Vahey, of Portland, Oregan, our American cousin from the James Vahey line (son of Patrick), connected with Alex and Herbie
while on their travels. Jack is truly dedicated to family history and had his own Vahey website for a number of years.
His methodical research further added to the history that you see here.
Carol Stuart, also from the Thomas William Vahey line, a genealogist of regard, worked diligently at researching the family
history and also graciously shared her materials with me. In fact, she sent me the entire box! Carol also travelled with Alex and Herbie and joined them on their mission
to help bring light to our lineage.
Without the hard work and dedication of Carol, Jack, Alex and Herbie, the content of this website would not exist.
We owe them all a debt of gratitude.

My Hope For the Future
It is my hope that this website will bring Vahey's together from far and wide to share in our rich heritage.
This website belongs to all of us and I invite you to participate fully by sharing your research and stories, if you have any,
by aquainting yourselves with your history,
by participating in our family forums, by asking questions and making observations and, of course, by attending our family reunions!
Each picture on this website represents Fitzroy Harbour and surrounding areas. Imagine that our ancestors at some time may possibly
have spent time at each site. This website is dedicated to all Vahey's, past, present and future.
